FrenjaFest 2015 in Zadar - Boutique Hostel Forum

Zadar sure does like to play ball, be it on the court or in the mud! Big or pocket-size, heavy or light, made of leather or glass/plastic, these round items make Zadar go round. As a city that apparently invented basketball, now a tribute is going to be paid to a universally liked childhood game of marbles. Not your cup of tea? Don’t judge before you see it - cause FrenjaFest is not just about playing marbles out in the open, but it’s also a place to be for some fuuuun!
Marble nostalgia
Sure, a choking hazard comes with marbles provided kids aren’t taught what (not) to put in their mouths, but marbles are such an appealing toy, and practically age-resistant since all generations take great joy in those colourful little balls. It’s been a popular game for ages, with a few strict rules and guidelines. It surpassed being just a game for kids long time ago with tournaments and championships still held in different corners of the world. True marble nostalgists probably have a collection of those shiny balls stored somewhere that they possibly take out to play on the odd day or to occasionally reminisce those childhood days.
In Zadar, it took a few marble nostalgists to decide to bring back a bit of round colour to their lives. They started talking about marbles, the good old days, the (peculiar) phrases used while playing, and before they knew it, they began going through old boxes to find their once most prized possession. And, so last year they played marbles, with music, barbecue, drinks and loud cheering, and decided it’s the kind of show that must go on. And so was FrenjaFest born in 2014.
A whole new ball
The 2015 FrenjaFest is organized by BABURA association as the Festival of frenje, love and music (frenje means ‘marbles’; in Croatia regionally also known as pikule, špekule, pikse). The event is going to be held from September 18 till September 20 by the Zadar promenade. Its basic idea is not only to give the marble nostalgists the opportunity to evoke happy and fun childhood moments, but also to awaken interest of younger generations of kids to try out outdoor games, work on their skills and focus, rather than to stick to keyboards and remote controls. Needless to say, various bands and DJs are going to be in charge of music and keeping the excellent ambiance going.
Toss that marbles…
... and let them roll! Sounds easy when in fact it’s not. There is a list of rules to follow and if you’ve never played marbles before, you’ll need someone to explain and demonstrate the game. Or you could just as well stick to watching. But you gotta love marbles, the sight of them and the joy the game brings. Simply because they are ageless and cool. Indeed, epic are the marbles, and legendary is FrenjaFest going to be! And as usual our Boutique Hostel Forum simply cannot but support such an original event by spreading the word! Cause you gotta be there. Believe us.